23 Excitement Quotes
Be inspired by our collection of excitement quotes. I once had a dear friend that told me something I would never forget, “excitement holds the key to your ambition”. Those words of wisdom guided me in more ways than one, they taught me that I, alone am in control of my future and that my feelings are tools to be utilized and wielded to create something worth remembering.
So my message to you is, excitement is one of the most powerful feelings that you can feel, and I hope these excitement quotes can help you remember that!
- Did you feel the excitement of the ride to come? If so, then you have felt potential energy.
Energy Inquiry Card–Feel the Potential!
Positive Attitude Quotes - We live in exciting times indeed!
Duru Shah, Shah, Sudeshna Ray, Clinical Progress in Obstetrics & Gynecology
Short Quotes - If you want to keep growing as a person then you’ll need to “Feel the Excitement… And Do it Anyway!”
Margaux Joy DeNador, The Art of Living a Life You Love
Growth Quotes - Cherish your excitement while you have it.
Lucy Varna, The Gathering Storm
Appreciation Quotes - You feel the excitement and energy course through your body. You feel amazing. You want to jump up and hi-five someone. You did it!
Bara Sapir, MA, Karen van Hoek, PhD, Full Potential GMAT Sentence Correction Intensive
Accomplishment Quotes - When you see and feel the excitement, one must move to those excited and talk about “the increasing excitement” with the clear message, “I feel tension building—let us control the excitement.”
Samuel A., Everybody for Everybody
Inspirational Thoughts - They stand as hills and mountains in our way, and we can choose to climb them so we could feel the excitement of the adventure and success of freedom.
Yolanda Orozco Mendez, Boundaries of Romance
Success Quotes - You feel the excitement running through your veins. What seemed previously impossible become possible and easy. Every breath you bring confidence, faith in you is not same.
Ndemdoh Stanley Otney Mbeseha, THE MYSTERIES OF ATTRACTION
Confidence Quotes - They must feel the excitement of the undertaking, which will carry them at least half way up before they start to feel the strain.
Erika Storey, Childhood in Bohemia
Inspirational Thoughts - If you cannot get yourself excited then what you think you want may not be what you really want.
Norris Thomas, Get What You Want in Life with a Positive Mental Attitude
Challenge Quotes - People crave excitement. Figure out how to get yourself excited and how to make your product or service exciting.
Robert Cornish, Wil Seabrook, What Works
Motivational Quotes for Work - We live in exciting times for those who belong to the Lord Jesus.
David Butts, Prayer and the End of Days
God - In short, that you get yourself EXCITED. If you feel the urge to rise to your maximum potential abilities and to help others on your way up, turn now to the following chapters and learn the timeless lessons of leadership.
Dennis E. Hensley, How to Motivate Yourself and Others
Ability Quotes - Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.
Steven Gurgevich, Joy Gurgevich, The Self-Hypnosis Diet
Possibilities - There is no day more special than this.
For today is our day I know you will grow
Your excitement for this day will wane while mine remains
I do not mourn this future
David Axlyn McLeod, Our Technicolor World
Poems - Imagine the excitement, but make sure to channel your excitement into doing something so that you take action that brings you closer to your goal. Learn to be a kid again. Imagine the excitement.
Gary Coxe, Don’t Let Others Rent Space in Your Head
Imagination - My own life is full of excitement because I am a risk taker. I tend to step out of the boat onto the water.
Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron, Conquer Your Fear, Share Your Faith
Taking Risks - As a matter of fact, there is great excitement in vulnerability. This is the trade-off we make when we decide to stay with one partner, you see.
Gregory J. P. Godek, Romance 101
Marriage - We lose the excitement of trying new things. > We lose that goose – bumps feeling. Most adults give up new discoveries—which translates into falling into a rut.
Ralph Monti, The Creative Sales Person
Feelings - Life is full of exciting opportunities, but fear of change can hold us back.
Opportunity - I am grateful for all my life lessons which have guided my path to who I am today. No regrets. I am thankful to all my amazing angels around me who have guided me to look powerfully toward my exciting future!
Swati Save, My Dreams Are Not for Sale
Life Lessons - Exciting new possibilities await you on the other side of a life transition.
Luis Antonio Rivera,The Varius Phases and Encounters With Transitional Life
Transformation - In fact, the lines in between the zones are called the ‘growing edge’ and this is where our most significant growth happens, on the verge of excitement and fear.
Susan Cousins, Overcoming Everyday Racism

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