37 Stand Up Quotes
Be inspired by our collection of Stand Up Quotes. Have you ever felt that you are being walked over? Have you ever thought that enough is enough? I know that I have—many times. Standing up for yourself is not always easy; sometimes, you have to force yourself to come out of your shell and stand tall and decide that you will no longer be pushed around.
Snakes hide everywhere, including in your own household. Fishing them out and exposing them is almost always the right thing to do unless it puts you in harm’s way, in which case I would recommend going about it another way. Enemies are not always obvious; it could be that one superior in the workplace that is making you out to be someone you are not to his superiors because he is either jealous or worried that you will take his job.
Always stand up for what you believe in, never let bullies get the better of you, and stand tall in the face of an adversary. Never let someone belittle you and cause you to turn and run. NEVER!
Page Contents:
Stand Up for What you Believe in Quotes
Published by: Ben Gillison
- If you believe in your stance, then by all means you should stand up and fight for it. Do not back down from a challenge, regardless of what it is.
Ken Conklin
Fight Quotes - You should always stand up for yourself, no matter what the cost.
Mario von Cranach, Rom Harré, The Analysis of Action
Motivational Quotes - Always stand up for yourself. Never let anyone bully you, talk down to you, or belittle you in any way.
Charlie Higson, Whatever Gets You Through the Night
Quotes About Strength and Courage - Never let anyone take advantage of you.
Hannah Jackson, Pain V Passion
Short Quotes - Always stand up for what’s right. Your voice is your power.
Chris Yandle, Lucky Enough
Equality - Never let anyone bully you, no matter what. For your life is a gift, you were created for a purpose, and you alone have the right to determine what that is. Always stand up for what’s right
“Christine C. Taing, The Little Flower
Gift - Be aware of your surroundings, and always stand up for what you believe in. And you will be right in your life.
Mark McCallister, Head in the Clouds, Feet Treading Water
Believe in Yourself - I will always stand up for what I believe in passionately. Just like I will always stand up for the weak, vulnerable, abused and used. I will always be willing to look like the bad guy in order to do what’s right.
Eric R. Gokey, Let My People Go
Empowering Quotes - Be kind to yourself – Stand up for yourself
David Koutsoukis, Values education toolkit
Be Kind - People will always try to put you down, no matter how hard the path is, keep raising your wings.
Dania Irshad, The gratitude journal
Life And Struggles - I have to be myself and stand up for myself—always. Those things I will never surrender.
Diana Fraser, Surrender to the Sheikh
Put Yourself First - Never, ever surrender our integrity. Our integrity, my mom always used to say, is what determines our character.
Marcel Daane, Headstrong Performance
Character - I think it’s time to bully the bullies.
Al Rennie, Clearwater Showdown
Short Inspirational Quotes - Stand up for yourself. Stay calm and confident and tell that bully.
Janice Levy, Flip-Flop and the Bully Frogs Gruff
Keep Calm - You have two choices with bullies: let them get away with it or find a way to stand up for yourself.
Annie McKee, How to Be Happy at Work
Choices - The message is that bullies generally don’t bully people who stand up for themselves.
John Crawford, How To Love Your Inner Human In A World Of Anxiety
Inspirational Messages - You send signals all the time about whether you’re somebody who’s prepared to be stand up for yourself, ready to set boundaries, ready to walk away, or ready to be bullied.
Gina Gardiner, Thriving Not Surviving
Walk Away - You have rights, and you don’t deserve to be bullied. Stand up for yourself. You deserve to be happy.
Michael Ryan, The Complete Guide to Gay Life for New Explorers
Choose to be Happy - When you stand up for yourself, bullies will wonder if you are worth the trouble of tormenting, because they only victimise you if they can hurt you, as they enjoy the power that comes from seeing someone else suffer.
Gok Wan, Through Thick and Thin
Hurt Quotes - In the end, bullies are bullies, and always back down. Standing up in unity to these soulless creatures must be our sacred mission
Jim Delaney, A Patriot’s Call to Action
Unity - I want you to remember to never let bullies hurt you. Just do you. I want each and every one of you to express yourself today any way you want to. Today is YOUR pride!
Desmond Napoles, Be Amazing
Pride - I can’t change the past, but I can sure work on the future. Stand up for what you believe in.
Natasha Alcantar, The Beast Stand Down
Future - Stand up for what you believe in. Most importantly, stand up and be honorable. Always be a stand-up person.
Lorenzo Victory, Anything Is Possible
Honor - Be courageous and stand up for what you believe in, and you will be amazed by the time you are done. Others will look up to you, you will have a new sense of pride in your life.
Mark McCallister, Head in the Clouds, Feet Treading Water
Courage - We all have strong beliefs and strong convictions, but being able to stand up and fight for them is not always easy; particularly if you might be the majority on what you believe in
Desiree Sims, Tragic to Triumphant
Believe - To live this outrageous life, you must stand up for what you believe in. Impossible is an opinion, despite what others tell you.
Dave Thompson, Living Outrageously Your Hero’s Journey
Opinion - Don’t give up. They cannot stop you unless you let them. Stand up for what you believe in. That’s the most important thing.
“The Advocate, Kerry’s Courage
Never Quit - You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Winston Churchill - You confidently, calmly, and courageously stand up for what you want, what you believe in, and what you know is right.
Erin Leyba, Joy Fixes for Weary Parents
Confidence - Stand up for what you believe and speak your Truth.
Dianna Gutoski, Godfré Ray King, Ascended Master Godfre Ray King
Truth - You know, my friends, there comes a time when people get tired of being trampled over by the iron feet of oppression.
Martin Luther King Jr - When we stand up to oppression, it is not violence, it is revolution – when we stand up to inequality, it is not violence, it is revolution – when we stand up to discrimination, it is not violence, it is revolution.
Abhijit Naskar, Heart Force One:
Violence - Men, i think, are not capable of doing nothing, of saying nothing, of not reacting to injustice, of not protesting against oppression, of not striving for the good of society and the good life in the ways they see it.
Nelson Mandella - One has to speak out and stand up for one’s convictions. Inaction at a time of conflagration is inexcusable.
Mahatma Gandhi - When we choose to tell our stories and stand in our values, we disempower white supremacy.
Tarana Burke
Values - One should always stand up for the weak and oppressed.
Yuri Dolgopolov, A Dictionary of Confusable Phrases
Motivational Quotes About Life - Crush those who crush others.
Kevin Johnson, GW Pray the Scriptures Bible Hardcover
Power Quotes
Stand Up For Yourself Quotes
Stand up To Bullying
Stand Up for What you Believe in
Stand up to Oppression
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