65 Health Quotes
Do you know what Salubrious means? It actually means ‘health-giving’ or ‘healthy’. But aside from that little fact, how often do we stop and ask ourselves ‘Is this (drink, snack, meal, way of life) health-giving’? The old phrase says, ‘you never miss your health until it’s gone’, and I think that’s true. So let’s focus on having a healthy body (exercise, eating ‘clean’), healthy mind (good thoughts / good deeds), and healthy spiritual life (regularly spending time in silence and in the presence of God). I hope these Health Quotes to encourage you to keep in good health; to look after yourself. Your state of well-being will undoubtedly determine your overall health. And being healthy is a prerequisite to happiness, contentment and fulfillment. Look after you today!
- The body loves routine. Try to eat, sleep, and so on at the same times every day in order for the body to function at its optimum efficiency. The body loves consistency. Theresa Hearn Haynes, The Best Doctor in the World is You!
Poems about Life - “Religion, spirituality influence health in different but complementary ways.” Matt Decker, Super Thoughts
Inspirational Quotes - It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. Gandhi
Famous Quotes - “Sleep is important, and you need enough sleep to be a healthy, functioning adult. Getting seven to eight hours requires discipline.” Bennett Garner, 50 Tweaks to Change Your Life
Commitment - “When a relationship ends, when divorce happens, and even when a death occurs, we are left with so many feelings. Feeling them is the first step toward healing.” Louise L. Hay and David Kessler, You Can Heal Your Heart
Words of Encouragement - Creativity is a fragrance of real health. When a person is really healthy and whole, creativity comes naturally to him, the urge to create arises. Osho Creativity: Unleashing the Forces Within
Appreciation Poems - … in nursing we really need to be heartful, at least most of the time�it is a matter of health and healing for us as well as those we care for.Vidette Todaro-Franceschi, PhD, RN, FT, Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Nursing
Nurse Quotes - “Our health is something we often take for granted. But, there are some things in life that should never be taken for granted. Take care of yourself.” Catherine Pulsifer
Appreciation - Over the past two decades, extensive research all over the world has shown that laughter has a positive impact on various systems of the body. Most noteworthy is laughter’s ability to unwind the negative effects of stress: the catalyst for many of our health problems. Dr Madan Kataria, Laugh For No Reason
Humor - If you achieve all kinds of things in the material world, but you lose your health or your peace of mind, you get little or no pleasure from your other accomplishments. Brian Tracy, Maximum Achievement
Graduation Quotes - The man who earns a million but destroys his health in the process is not really a success. Zig Ziglar, See You At The Top
Quote of the Day - “A number of factors . . . affect our wellness, including fitness, nutrition, and finance. Although I am not an expert in these fields, I have observed time and time again how these areas are affected for better or for worse by our psychological health.” Tonya Armstrong, Blossoming Hope
Positive Attitude - “Exercise itself, which tends to be highly repetitive when engaged in regularly, is a major driver of neuroplastic changes in the brain, which is why physical exercise is one of the most important factors in restoring and maintaining mental as well as physical health across the life span, starting from the moment one begins such a program.” Bob Stahl, A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook
Quotes about Change - Empowerment recognizes that when people have access to quality information and tools, they are far more likely and capable of achieving and sustaining better health, all at lower costs, and that makes them happy campers. Glen Tullman, On Our Terms.
Empowering - “Health is the condition of wisdom, and the sign is cheerfulness, – an open and noble temper.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Funny Quotes - For each additional year of work before retirement, the risk of getting dementia is reduced by 3.2 percent. Kerry Hannon, Great Jobs for Everyone 50 +
Retirement Quotes - One thing that does seem to be clear is that health and happiness are connected, more so than we�re often aware . Bobby Duffy, The Perils of Perception
Blessed Quotes - Meditation is a huge part of a healthy lifestyle. Many successful people swear by its effects. Venkat, The Beginners Guide To Meditation
Meditation - What is this state of wholeness anyway? Health. It’s an easy state of being, free of pushes and pulls that limit our animals’ full expression of themselves. Wendy Thacher Jensen, Practical Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy
Animal - Art Therapy � Uses the creative process of art-making and client-reflection to improve and enhance mental, physical and emotional well-being of individuals. David Edwards, Art Therapy
Art - Throughout history, great healers have discovered the power of breathing to enhance the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of their people. Richard P. Brown, The healing power of the breath
Motivational Quotes About Life - We were taught as children how a body is formed, its organism, its bones, its functions, its positions, but we never learned what the soul was made of. Tessa Romero, 24 Minutes On The Other Side
Christian Quotes About Life - When centenarians are asked to divulge the secrets to their longevity, they invariably mention two factors: good genes and healthy living. Deborah Carr, Golden Years?
Senior - One of the most beneficial aspects of laughter is the strengthening of the immune system, because when we laugh we secrete endorphins. Menahem Belilty, Laugh, I’ Not Kidding!
Funny Poems - “Take a few minutes each and every day to ensure that your mind is nourished properly and positively. After all, a healthy mind leads to a happier view of life and with a happier view of life it is much easier to counter the negative impact other issues will have on us.” Catherine Pulsifer, Living A More Positive Life
Positive Quotes - “What is more, there is increasing evidence that cultivating positive mental states like kindness and compassion definitely leads to better psychological health and happiness.” Dalai Lama
Kindness - “Alternative Medicine is now much bigger that what anyone can think, and it plays a role in health and human welfare beyond what anyone could have imagined a decade ago.” Dr. Johnson C. Philip, Alternative Medicine And Arthritis
Imagination - Different kids and different parents call for all kinds of parenting styles. And at the end of the day, you and your kids are the experts on your family. A. C. Jones, The Mindful Parenting Handbook
Family - “Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” Buddha
Faith - “Grief is a releasing process, a discovery process, a healing process. We cannot release or discover or heal by the use of our minds alone. The brain must follow the heart at a respectful distance. It is our hearts that ache when a loved one dies, It is our emotions that are most drastically affected.” Carol Staudacher, A Time to Grieve
Grief - “For compassion not only restores the heart of our own humanity; its healing care makes human once more the heart of another grown hard and cold.” Frank Rogers Jr., Practicing Compassion
Compassion - “Anger can have equally disastrous effects on your own life. Left unchecked, it can destroy some of your closest relationships and undermine your physical and mental health.” Albert Ellis, How To Control Your Anger Before It Controls You
Anger - Physical wellness is all about how your body functions. To function optimally, your body needs proper nourishment, exercise, and healthy habits. Robyn L. Gobin, The self-care prescription
Habit - “Sleep is the most important ‘repair’ mechanism our body has, and getting enough of it will ensure you’re feeling fit and energized the next day. Jason Smith, Make Mornings Matter
Relax - “You find when you pursue a life of greater health and happiness, you then treat the body you have with dignity, respect, and absolute care.” Dale Roberts, The 3 Keys to Greater Health & Happiness
Happiness Quotes - “If you want to dramatically improve your self-esteem the one sure way to do this is to get very, very fit.” Christopher Quinn, Self Esteem Self Help
Confidence - “He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.” Arabian Proverb
Hope - “The mind and body are connected. If you want to feel your best mentally, take good care of your body, which includes your brain. This only stands to reason.” Glenn R. Schiraldi, The Self-Esteem Workbook
Encouraging Quotes - “Suppressing the anger is when you turn your energies and thoughts to something else, usually something more positive and more constructive. However, anger needs to be expressed and holding in it can turn it on you and cause health problems, such as expression, and hypertension, hypertension, which can also lead to an increased risk of a heart attack.” James Seals, Anger
Stress - “One of the most important and core ways to improve your life is to develop a healthy diet and maintain it on a long term basics.” David Dashner, Self Improvement
Quotes about Life - “Healthy foods should not be underestimated. Your body needs good food to focus.” R. C. Connor, The Overnight Best Seller
Good Quotes - “The body can be a source of wealth train it right for your health.” Jerry Brundies
Wealth - “Sound sleep is the indicator of good health. If you can sleep better then it is expected that your body is functioning properly.” Michael Lombardi, The 5 AM Club
Daily Motivation - “Eating fruits for breakfast is a healthy way of breaking the overnight fast as this is a gentle way of waking up your digestive system.” Bogdan Ivanov, How To Be Super Productive
Quotes to Live By - “Good health is necessary to get the most out of our experiences, so don’t neglect to take care of it.” Bill Calhoun, Can’t…Can!
Experience - “If you wish to keep as well as possible, the less you think about your health the better.” Oliver Wendell Holmes
Attitude Quotes - “If you want a relaxed body, you can do it by relaxing your mind. If you want a relaxed mind, relax your body.” Jay Winner, Relaxation on the Run
Balance - “Laughter Yoga is a unique, reliable system to deliver the health benefits of hilarity. This technique allows everyone to laugh, whether you have a sense of humor or not; whether you are happy or you are not happy.” Dr. Madan Kataria
Laughter - “People who suffer from anxiety disorders might also wish to review clinics who focus on mental health or specialized cure programs that deal with particular types of anxiety disorders, such as panics or phobias, which may be accessible your area.” Mike Mitchell, Mindfulness
Focus - “Criminal issues are connected to health and economic ones, and socially responsible entrepreneurship can provide answers to all of these.” Vlad Zachary, The Excellence Habit
Encouraging Poems - “But by not remaining present, by allowing the mind to run crazy with doom and gloom scenarios that may or may not play out in the future, we lose presence, peace of mind, clarity and health.” Christopher Babson, Bold! Success System
Peace - “A little bit of sunlight can do wonders for your child’s bones and health!” T Whitmore, Stuff You Don’t Need
Children - “A child with a healthy level of self-esteem will have a realistic perspective of himself.” Britney Watkins, The Ultimate Guide To Parenting
Self Esteem Quotes - “When you are happy at work and at home you feel safe. Your health is better and you feel good.” Clodagh Swanson, Time To Shine
Happy - “Sobriety is freedom from this slavery. Getting sober means freedom from craving, and craving is suffering. Happiness will come from sobriety, as will health and wealth. All the pieces of your life that have fallen to the floor will be picked up and reassembled, better than before. You will start growing again. You will improve.” Paul Trammell, Alcoholics Not Anonymous, a Modern Way to Quit Drinking
New Beginnings Quotes - “With today’s medical advances and healthy lifestyle changes, your retirement years could be equal to or longer than your entire working career.” Wendy S. Fisher, Retirement Planning
Work - “No individual can ever truly be a healthy and whole individual after loss without coming to terms with their loss and understanding the magnitude of that loss while also understanding that they must still live for the future.” Valerie Orr, Picking Up the Pieces
Future - “Yes money can buy you the lifestyle you desire and dream of, but I warn you that it cannot buy you love, it cannot buy you good health and it cannot buy you happiness.” Linda Corby, Zoom into Profit
Dream - “We are being served better and better packaging of a low quality content, including food, clothing, housing, education, health, and entertainment.” Chitesh Bhat, Everybody is Genius
Genius - “I’ve lost quite a few people close to me over the past few years some my age, some younger, and some older and it makes you realize that health and good friends and family are gifts to be treasured.” Jason Navallo, Success
Friend | - “To have a healthy relationship requires the ability to express oneself and feel as though you are being heard.” Gregory Davidson, Communication: Proven Strategies To Succeed
Communication - “By using techniques such as yoga, breathing, bioenergetics, physical exercises, meditation, and visualization, we can, in turn, influence our chakras, our health, and our lives.” Anodea Judith, Eastern Body, Western Mind
Influence - “Regular exercise, adequate nutrition and sleep, and time spent in creative play help to contribute to an overall sense of health.” Amy Kay Watson, Working with Stress and Fear
Time - Write down the things that are on your mind. The simple act of listing your thoughts can have a cathartic and healing effect. Julia Laflin, 100 Things to Pick You Up When You’re Feeling Down
Motivational Quotes - “Health is something which is of interest to us all, and I believe that good health is the right of us all.” Lois Hewitt, Spiritual Healing
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