83 Get Back Up Quotes
How DO we get up when we’ve been knocked down? It doesn’t have to be a physical knockdown – although that analogy rings true for most of us of course – but a mental shock or setback or failure, can really put us – mentally – on our backs.
So what’s the secret to that kind of resilience? How do we muster up the courage, the persistence and ‘toughs’ when we need them? This page is all about helping you understand the HOW, and to also inspire you with some advice from the best of the best.
Take it on the chin. The first thing to understand is that you are going to learn more from this experience if you allow yourself some time to get over it. I’m not saying wallow in self-pity, but there’s nothing wrong with feeling bad about a big failure or setback.
Take the pain. Big knocks are hard and you’ll need to give yourself some time to get over them. Soak it up and acknowledge that it’s happened. ALLOW that pain to sink in. FEEL that sting (for a period of time). This is super important because if you don’t really feel it now – you aren’t going to heal properly or move on.
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Published by: Ben Gillison
- “I get knocked down, but I get up againYou’re never gonna keep me down”
Chumbawamba, Lyrics from ‘Tubthumping’
Music Quotes - “If you can dream—and not make dreams your master; If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same…”
Rudyard Kipling, If
Dream Quotes - “Let’s not take a minute, let’s GO AGAIN”
Christian Bale (from his famous on-set rant)
Inspirational Quotes - “Don’t let success go to your head or failure go to your heart”
Bear Grylls
Success Quotes - Dust yourself off, get back up and find your way again to get back on the bandwagon of pursuing your goals.
Marc Shamus, Always Do Your Best: Guide To Be A Top Achiever
Goals Quotes - You were meant to get back up and find a way it resonates with you. You have to know that there is no expiration date to reinvent yourself. Struggling is everyone’s path of life.
Parthvi Jaithlia · 2021, Jeewan Yatra
Be Yourself Quotes - When you stumble along that path or come to an obstacle, get back up and find a way over, under, around, or through that thing that is in the path. Persistence is action.
John Martin · 2018, Empower Yourself
Obstacles Quotes - Get up and embrace the struggle. You can sweat and earn your way to a better life, or you can sit around and cry like a victim.
William J. Lindsey, The Will to Be
Life Quotes - Set your intentions before bed – consciously decide that tomorrow you will get up and embrace your morning success ritual.
BusinessNews Publishing, Summary
Good Morning Quotes - All God asks of us is that we forgive one another as he forgives us, to help one another back up when we stumble as he lifts us back up.
Jay Cormier, Seed Sown
Forgiveness Quotes - You have to get up! You have to believe! Get up! Believe!
Charlotte Herzele, Copious Learning
Believe Quotes - Get up and keep on walking. If you can’t walk, then crawl. It is better to crawl in God’s direction than to give up.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, If I Really Believe, Why Do I Have These Doubts?
Never Quit Quotes - Get back up and fight for your dreams because I assure you if you won’t no one else will.
Darnell Smith, Millionaire Mindset
Fight Quotes - Get back up and fight for what you believe in and tell yourself, ‘I can’ over and over again. Practicing repetition and positive reinforcement is what’s going to help you build resilience and keep you moving forward.
Mindfulness For Positive Change
Positive Attitude Quotes - At some point in life you will be challenged and perhaps even knocked down by overwhelming circumstances -never be afraid to get back up and fight for beliefs.
Bradley N. Gallagher, Tips from the Top
Challenge Quotes - The most successful people in the world are those who have had many failures in life, but have also had the courage to get back up and fight for what they believe in.
Angela Underwood, Vessel of Steel
Successful Quotes - When you get knocked down, get back up. When you falter, regain your momentum. Should you encounter clouds and periods of obscurity, look for the openings and continue forward with passion and persistence. Release Your Unstoppable Power: The Journey Continues…books.google.co.uk › books
Kieran Revell
Clouds Quotes - If you’re willing to get back up and fight for what you want in life at all costs, there is promise in your faith.
Anthony Reyes, Dreams Are Worth Dreaming
Promise Quotes - No one will do for you what you should be doing for yourself. Get up, start walking, and never look back.
Duke Jordan
Overcoming Obstacles - We need to have a warrior’s heart and get back up, no matter what.
Getting Up From Being Down
Fierce Quotes - The question is not whether you are down. The question is whether you will get back up.
David O. Bullock, Unconnected
Question - Failures and disappointments may come; you may feel down, but never allow yourself to stay down. Don’t give up; get up and move on.
George Foreman, Knockout Entrepreneur
Failure - Going against the odds, you will fail, and it will be your will to get back up and keep your head up that will keep you on the path toward genuine success and happiness.
Jarrel L. Johnson, Hustling Against the Odds
Happiness - Either you get up every day crying over the spilt milk in your experience, or you try to find the lighter side of what you are going through.
Marvette Camille, MC – Squared
Experience - Perseverance is if you’re knocked down, that you will always get back up and keep moving forward.
Pacific Crest Middle School, Voices from the Nest
Perseverance - The more you make mistakes along the way, the more you realize you can get back up from each mistake quicker and move on.
Antonio Edwards, Be You, Be Great!
Mistake - In order to be the best version of yourself, you will face trouble and fall so hard but every time that happens you’ve got to remind yourself of what you want and then get back up and work on get those things you want.
Isaiah Netsianda, Perception
Dreams and Goals - You must give yourself alone time, listening time, and alone time again to absorb and sort things out in order to get back up again.
Linda Frame, Shattered…
Alone - So, get back up and get in the game! Live your life with INTENTION Tomorrow is a NEW Day!
Tomorrow - I urge you to get back up and take another chance at life once you’ve been knocked down.
Bako Ambiand, Who Is in Your Ears
Life is Hard - It is only when we fail to get back up that we have a problem.
Isekhua Evborokhai, Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver
Problem - Get back up stronger and wiser than before. Create a mindset that does not allow you to quit.
Amit Kumar JHA, A Road to Success
Being Strong - You have to be willing to stay down long enough to get a lesson and then bold enough to get back up and get back in the fight stronger and wiser than before.
Tony A. Gaskins, Jr, The Dream Chaser
Life Lessons - If we make the decision ahead of time to get back up when were knocked down, getting up will be easier.
Dave Burchett, Bring ‘Em Back Alive
Decision - “If you don’t quit, you win.” No matter how many times you have fallen, I encourage you to get back up.
Jennifer A. Miskov Ph.D, Walking on Water
Winning - If we find the strength to get back up and fight one more round, then we learn and we get stronger. Stronger with knowledge we have the ability to lead more fulfilling lives.
Maria Hocking, Strip Naked and Re-dress with Happiness
Knowledge - Any time I fall, I’m determined to get back up and keep moving.
- The lesson is, Always get back up. Simple enough. It’s a nice, tidy slogan, like “Never say die” or “Keep on truckin’!” It would fit inside a fortune cookie or look good on a bumper sticker.
Susan Schorn, Smile At Strangers
Motivational quotes - You had a bad experience, let’s get back up and we’ll do it again.
Tom Goldrup, Jim Goldrup, Growing Up on the Set
Coaching Quotes - We have everything already embedded in us to get back up and keep on going!
Carlesha Tamia Herndon, An Ever-Present God
Keep Going - It takes a hell of a man to get back up and keep going.
Larry Brown, William Gildea, I’ll Always Get Up
Short - I choose to get back up and move forward today. I am not going to stay down because of discouragement and disappointment.
Joel Osteen, Victoria Osteen, Wake Up to Hope
Dicouragement - They need to see that the power to get back up begins when the believing starts. That’s what trusting god is all about.
Sheryl Giesbrecht, Get Back Up
Power - Dishonor comes only when you don’t force yourself to get back up – especially when you can get back up, but you refuse to do it.
George Foreman, Knockout Entrepreneur
Giving Up - As an adult when you fall (on the ground), you typically get back up. What do you typically do when you fall in life? Get back up? If you don’t, you should.
Torion Kent, Love Yesterday
Independence - Then you get back up and fight some more. Each time you get back up another notch of character is added to your belt.
Patrick Muenchen, For We Walk by Faith
Character - We can get back up and try again tomorrow, just like lots of people before us.
Steve Smothermon, Big Problems, Bigger God
Comforting - Regardless of the number of times that life will punch you and beat you to your knees, we need you to get back up and keep fighting back
Daniel Delatour, From Zero to Hero
Quotes to Live by - You can… knock me down but I’ll still get back up and fight for my rights.
Nazilla Khanlou, F. Beryl Pilkington, Women’s Mental Health
Equality - Life can knock you down. Some people may choose to stay down; others choose to get back up and fight.
Jahnavi Foster, Divine Love
Words of Encouragement - When life tends to knock you down, you can choose to get back up and continue pushing forward, or you can simply give up and continue to lay there in the mud. It’s entirely up to you. Life will only ever be what you make it to be.
Dustin Ahlers, The Ride We Call Life
Life and Struggles - The challenges that stand before you will always try to knock you down, but, please, choose to get back up, for all of our sakes.
Rhys-Jordan Griffith-Fyffe, Monster Versus Mortal
Choices - Choose to get back up when life pushes you down. Choose to have faith that it will be okay.
Kelly Rompel, Don’t Tell Me to Relax - You can get back up. You can make it. No matter how badly you messed up. No matter how ugly yesterday was. No matter what you’ve been through.
S. Todd Townsend, Getting Up From Being Down
Monday Motivation - Just knowing that you can get back up makes the process easier.
David Douglas, GRIT 4 LIFE
Inspirational messages - Even if you find yourself a victim of someone else’s envy and strife and end up in a pit, you can get back up.
Linda J. Payne, You Can Keep A Good Woman Standing
Jealousy - When you fall, love allows you to forgive yourself and others so that you can get back up. When you fall, love provides the strength to move forward.
Torion Kent, Love Yesterday, Today and Future Tomorrows
Love and Life - Get up. No one is going to help you. Get up. You have a whole life to live.
Bucky Sinister, Get Up
Hardship - Truth is, you will still be sitting there with the same story when you are old unless you get up and do something about it.
Jerry Walker, Get Up and Get Moving
Truth - Get up and face the day. Things look a little clearer When you’re standing on your feet.
Beverly Larsen, For His GlorySeize the Day
- Every day you have a choice: to get up and face the day with your family uppermost on your mind, or get up and face the day with failure on your mind.
Toni House, Save Your Money, Save Your Family
Family - Get up and face life, because life is a gift and it is a short trip, my friend. We never know what day will be our last. It sounds like such a cliché, but it is one of the truest statements in life.
Jennifer Storm, Blackout Girl
Gift - It’s time to get up and embrace success. You’ve got to start somewhere!
Sara Praise, Positioned
Positive Energy - Get up right now boy, and let’s get going!
Armiyao Harruna, A Day in the Life of A President - People get knocked down; it is how fast they get up that counts.
John Mason, You Can Do It
One Line Quotes On Life - I promise the day will get better, but you have to get up first.
Sherri L. Lewis, The List
Inspirational Messages - And if you’ve fallen, make today the day you get up and get going.
Jonathan Cahn, The Book of Mysteries
Discipline - Get up and get going! Take your reluctance by the throat and throw it overboard—just do what needs to be done!
Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest
Will Power Quotes - If we want to manage the ups and downs of life, and live up in a down world, you need to get up and get out, workout that which is within, avoid going down and in, move over and look up!
Dr. Bob Edwards, Living up in a Down World
Looking Forward - Make it your business to get up and get out of the house at least twice every day. Whether you run out for coffee, hit the mall, or just hang out at your local bookstore, get your brokenhearted butt moving by literally moving it!
Tasha Cunningham
Coffee Quotes - But now is the time to get up and start living the life that you were born to live.
G.D. Budhiraja, Power of Positive Thinking
Life Changing - I must get up and live in the abundance of life.
Elizabeth N. Hutson, Good Morning Tuesday
Abundance - Get up and live for your dreams.
Aishwarya Nandedkar, The Perfect Mélange
Dream Big - Get up and live for today!
Saloni Shah, Poetic Drizzle
Short Positive - If you want to manage the ups and downs of life, you must get up and get out, avoid going down and in, work out that which is within, move over, and look up.
Dr. Bob Edwards, Living up in a Down World
Daily Inspiration - We can either respond with attitude or platitude, we can either get up and take control of our lives in spite what may have happened, and begin to steer our lives in the direction we want to get out of the circumstance or, we can sit down and wallow in pains and play the victim, it is all our choice and is entirely up to us.
David King, Evolve Or Die
Commitment - When successful people fail, they never give up, because to them, failure is not a stop sign, rather they learn for their failure, they get up, and get back in the game.
David Adeyanju, Winners Mindset
Perception - Stop licking your wounds and get up and take control.
Frank S, Let’s Do Battle
Control - Make no excuses about your life, you’ve a choice to live life to a higher standard; get up and rise to the challenge of life and say, “Yes I can do this, I can become successful.”
Subrata Ranjan Chanda, invention 2.0 Edition
Excuses - This is the time for the courageous to get up and rise to inspire.
Joo Lian Carter, Purification Practice
Courage - If you have to lose, lose cheap and lose fast so that you can get up and rise to a new dawn.
Sandeep Sahni, Sanjit Singh Paul, What My MBA Did Not Teach Me About Money
New Start - The practical motto of the fall of man is this, when down, you must at once get up and rise to confront the situation and keep on living and living to the end of your mission, and age.
Phineas Nyabera, Rise and Fall of Man
Age - You are walking through fire and the predictable life is gone. Every day presents you with uncharted waters, new trials, and the challenge to get up and rise to the occasion. You are not at the back of life, my friend. You are in front.
J. Anthony Laurence, Coming Back
Get up Quotes
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